Aid Climbing

Aid climbing is a “dirty” word in the UK, with the emphasis on free climbing.

During the Hard Rock Challenge some of the routes are not possible without the use of aid climbing. Whilst one “The Scoop” was of such importance to British climbing in the 70´s that it was included partly to represent the genre but also to stop people being able to tick the whole book.

This genre has almost be iradicated from British climbing. It´s an increadably useful skill to have enabling you to quickly escape potentially difficult and dangerous situations. But it is more than just a rescue skill. Aid climbing is alive and kicking hard out side of the UK.

Come and experience something new!

Rescue aid climbing in a one day course.

Aid climbing from a one day guide climb to a full 5 days of steep and difficult climbing that you will never forget!

We believe that we are the most flexible climbing course provider around. We employ local guides and as we own the accommodation we can control all aspects of our requirements. If you don’t see any dates that fit on the diary then please get in touch and see what we can do. After 8 years of working this way, trust us to find you a perfect solution.
